Inauguration of Jamia Masjid Maimuna Quadriyah at Kolampalli by Mufti Khalil Ahmed

Inauguration of Jamia Masjid Maimuna Quadriyah at Kolampalli by Mufti Khalil Ahmed

NARAYANPET   :   AUG  31 (  News  )  The mosque is the house of Allah and every Muslim should take care of the sanctity and respect of the mosque.  These views were expressed by Islamic thinker Mufti Khalil Ahmad Sahab Sheikh Jamia Nizamia Hyderabad while addressing the inaugural ceremony of Jamia Masjid Maimuna Qadriyya at village Kollampally in Narayanapet district.  In a long speech, the Islamic thinker explained in detail the importance, greatness and responsibility of mosques.  He said that the example of the money used in the construction and decoration of mosques is like spending in the way of Allah.  Shaykh-ul-Jamia exhorted the Muslims that, now it is also the responsibility to build the built mosque.  He said that the favorite places of Allah on earth are mosques and the unfavorable area is the bazaar.

 He urged Muslims to pray in congregation five times a day.  In connection with the arrival of Shaykh-ul-Jamia on the land of Kollampally the local Muslims brought Mufti Sahab to the mosque to the echo of slogans.  On this occasion, Shaykh-ul-Jamia will cover Nizamiya.

 The opening remarks were delivered by Maulana Syed Ahmad Hussaini Ashrafi.

 The meeting started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Hafiz Abdul Karim.  Maulana Shafaat Ali Nizami performed the duties of the directorate.  Syed Muhammad Muhammad Hussaini Sajjada Nasheen Gogi, Syed Jalal Hussaini Sajjada Nasheen Bargah Qataliya Kollampally, Syed Abdul Razzaq Shah Qadri Sajjada Bargah Mehboob Nagar, Syed Hafizullah Hussaini Sajjada Kollampally Dr. Yusufuddin Hassan Qadri, Masood Ali  Qadri, Sheikh Hussain, Dr. Safi-ud-Din, Syed Mumtaz Ali Qadri, Syed Zafar Shah Qadri, Muhammad Mashhood Professor of Jamia Nizamia, Hafiz Ata-ur-Rehman, Syed Rashid Ali Qadri, Mirza Altaf Baig besides lot of people from Narayanapet, Dhanwara, Mehboob Nagar, Makthal and other places.  A large number of Muslims gathered to attend the ceremony.  After function Meals were arranged for the people attending the meeting.

 In the end, the officials of the management committee of Jamia Masjid Maimuna Qadriyah Kolampalli expressed their gratitude to all the participants.

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