The early signs you might be passing a kidney stone

Hyderabad: Kidney stones are hard deposits of acid salts and minerals that collect together in concentrated urine. Some of the many causes of kidney stones include excess body weight, a diet rich in specific foods, previous medical conditions, and certain medications and supplements. Many patients pass a kidney stone during urination without the need for any medical intervention. However, how do you identify the signs that you are ready to pass a kidney stone naturally? Kidney Stone Pain – An Early Sign of Passing a Kidney StoneThe most prominent sign of passing a kidney stone is pain. It is unpredictable and develops suddenly. Although kidney stones are as small as the size of a grain of sand, they can create a powerful impact. You might be feeling comfortable, but all of a sudden, you struggle with unbearable pain. The pain can make it difficult for you to reach the emergency room. Can something so small cause so much pain?Kidney stones start showing symptoms once you get obstruction. Urine exits the kidney through something like a funnel. This is known as the ureteropelvic junction. A blockage or obstruction is created when the stone tries to leave the kidney to move through the funnel or the ureter but is unable to pass.Some patients have a kidney stone for 20 years or more. However, they don’t know about its existence unless they suffer from severe pain. This pain is a sign that the stone is trying to pass through the funnel into the bladder and flush out of your body.Kidney Stone Pain – The Severity and The LocationThe kidneys are in the area of the torso known as the flank. They are located below the end of the rib cage in the back. Pain can develop on either side of the back. The side depends on which kidney has the stone.Generally, kidney stones form on one side. So, pain occurs on one side, either on the right or the left. However, the pain can vary and may not always be on the side of the back.Some patients complain of abdominal pain or pain in the groin. They first experience kidney stone pain in the area near the kidneys. Gradually, the pain travels down to the groin. The pain may not last for very long, yet it can be very intense. It could also be absurd, seeming to be like a stomach ache and lasting for very long.The pain with non-obstructive kidney stones is discomforting. You feel acute pain when the kidney stone is obstructing, which means that it is stuck somewhere and is causing a blockage in the kidney. Moreover, kidney stone pain comes in waves. You feel intense pain, and immediately thereafter, you have no pain. The pain comes and goes.Every kidney stone patient experiences a different pain in terms of severity, location, and duration. Their thresholds are also different. This varied pattern makes it difficult to understand what the body is going through and what is the pain related to. You might think that you are doing well after the pain reduces. But it can return just as suddenly as before. The recurring pain is a sign that you haven’t completely passed the stone, especially if you haven’t seen it.Intense pain in the pelvic or lower back area that worsens as you sit or lie down is one of the first signs of passing a kidney stone.Other Warning Signs of Passing a Kidney StoneAll kidney stones don’t cause pain. Some show no signs and symptoms at all. But when you do experience the symptoms, they clearly indicate a problem. They warn you that you need a kidney stone doctor. These symptoms include:Blood in the urineYou need to watch out if the colour of your urine changes to add a shade of pink or red. While some foods and medications can also change the colour of the urine, you must not ignore the symptom. By consulting with the doctor, you will be in a better position to understand if you have a kidney stone or any other problem, such as prostate, kidney, or bladder cancer.Nausea and vomitingKidney stones can affect your stomach. However, this will be different from the symptoms of food poisoning or stomach flu. The pain can be debilitating, making you quite uneasy or pukish.Fever and chillsFlu-like symptoms are also common in people with kidney stones. And it is a sign of something more than just the passing of a kidney stone. Fever, chills, or shivering suggest the chances of a kidney or urinary tract infection. Make sure you seek immediate medical help.Poor flowWhen a kidney stone obstructs, it not only causes pain but also makes urination difficult. With the movement of the stone reaching closer to the bladder, your urgency to urinate increases. You also have a painful or burning sensation as you pee.Get in Touch With a Kidney Stone DoctorKidney stone pain doesn’t persist. It comes and goes away on its own. However, whenever you experience kidney stone pain, don’t wait for the stone to pass or for other signs to appear. You don’t know whether the kidney stone will pass on its own and how long it will take. Therefore, take immediate action and seek medical help kidney stone surgery in Hyderabad.

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