TSU activists burn effigy of state govt
TSU ( Telangana Student Unioun ) Demanding to review intermediate exam results, the activists of TSU have laid siege In Front Of Osmania University Main Gate . TSU State President Nalgonda Anji complained that the first year intermediate exam results have been forcing many students to end their lives.It was not correct to fail the students without running classes in a proper manner, they said.They alleged that the results were favourable to corporate educational institutions while those studied in government colleges were failed by the board. Action against those responsible for the alleged mismanagement of the intermediate education must be taken. . They demanded the government to declare every student who appeared for the examinations as passed. TSU OU President N M Srikanth Yadav was . Secretary of State Pallapu Chandu. Coordinator Manjula Shiva OU Secretary. Mudigonda Ramesh.Tigala Naveen and others participated
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