School boy goes missing

School boy goes missing

Kukatpally, Apr 24 (Ravi Kumar): Hyderabad: An 16-year-old boy went missing from Sanathnagar on Wednesday evening, the police said on Sunday. The boy, P. Vamshidhar, lived with his parents at VV. Nagar in Sanathnagar police station limits.


According to the Sanathnagar CI Muthu Yadav, boy had gone out of the house on Wednesday morning saying he was going to Sri Sai Chaitanya School where he is studying 10th class. On the same day his school teacher and friend came to his house and stated that Vamshidhar did not report to school on April 19 also and also not appeared for his pre-final exam. So their parents searched for him at nearby and with their relatives to trace him, but in vain. So his mother P. Geetha approached Sanathnagar police station and filed a complaint to trace her son. On complaint from the family, the police booked a case and swung into action trace him .

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