Shia Leaders thanks CM KCR for Muharram grant

Shia Leaders thanks CM KCR for Muharram grant

Hyderabad: TRSV Greater Hyderabad co-ordinator Mir Qurram Ali thanked Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and the Telangana government for sanctioning a Rs 50 lakh grant for Muharram arrangements for the year 2021 and permitted procession of MuharramThe Chief Minister had sanctioned Rs 50 lakh as grant-in-aid for taking up minor repairs, renovations, whitewashing, and improve basic amenities for Ashoorkhanas, Sabeels, and Anjuman's.  A G.O in this regard was issued on August 19.Muharram-ul-Haram is the second holiest month after Ramzan for members of the Muslim community around the globe. Muharram is called the Divine and Sacred month of Almighty Allah. In 680 AD, Imam Hussain, the son of Hazrat Ali and grandson of the Prophet, was killed in the Battle of Karbala on the 10th day of the month on the day of Ashura.

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