Narnaul Agarwal Committee fully supports Megha Rani Agarwal

Narnaul Agarwal Committee fully supports Megha Rani Agarwal

Narnaul Agarwal Committee fully supports Megha Rani Agarwal. They recently held a meeting to discuss their thoughts and decisions

Narnaul Agarwal Committee, Hyderabad, Secunderabad, a special reflection meeting was organized today under the leadership of committee president Pankaj Kumar Agarwal. The meeting started with the worship of Maharaja Shri Agrasen ji. After that, while welcoming the present brothers, Pankaj Kumar Agarwal said that for the first time in the 76 years of the country's independence, on the holy land of Telangana Bhagyanagar, a national political party has organized a meeting with the Marwari community. Charminar assembly ticket has been given to Agarwal woman, it is a matter of pride for the entire Marwari community
Aggarwal said that it is a matter of great joy for the Narnaul Aggarwal Committee that Megha Rani Agarwal has been selected as a candidate by the National Party and she belongs to the Narnaul family. Satish Aggarwal (Ganpati) on the occasion. On behalf of Narnaul Agarwal Committee, it was clarified that at this time Narnaul Aggarwal Committee is standing in favor of  Megha Rani Agarwal and will make every possible effort to make her win.
Ravindra Aggarwal said on the occasion that in view of the work done by Megha Rani Aggarwal and her father late Ashok Kumar Aggarwal for social welfare and religious awakening and their experience, Narnaul Agarwal Committee is with Megha Rani Agarwal. And will make every possible effort to make them victorious.
Satish Aggarwal (BJP), who was mainly present on the occasion, urged all the brothers, understanding their responsibility towards their country, religion, region and their daughter, to protect their self-respect and vote for themselves and their loved ones in favor of  Megha Rani Aggarwal on the day of voting. Urged to achieve victory with huge votes by voting.
On the occasion,  Megha Rani Aggarwal said that despite Hyderabad Charminar being a historical place after 76 years of independence, till date no work has been done in the name of development in this area, the streets are narrow, the roads are dilapidated, there is no parking, no facilities,  Aggarwal. She assured that after the victory, she will try to bring metro rail here and will remove the problems being faced by the traders in their daily routine.
Megha Rani Aggarwal said that if every individual worker takes the responsibility of getting 10 more votes cast in his favor along with his vote, then our victory is certain. He requested all the Sanatanis to cast their votes by putting aside the differences of opinion and working unitedly.
Mainly Rajesh Agarwal, Tarun Agarwal, Anoop Agarwal, Dr. Sarita Agarwal, Manoj Mittal, Arun Kumar Agarwal, Rinku Agarwal, Shesh Kumar Goyal, T. Sunil, Umesh Singhania, Pawan Mishra and other members and community members were present in the reflection meeting of Narnaul Agarwal Committee.



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