Harish Rao promises Rs 30 crore to weavers’ thrift fund

Harish Rao promises Rs 30 crore to weavers’ thrift fund


Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister KT Rama Rao had already released Rs 70 crore for the welfare of the weaving community, he said, adding that the State government would contribute double the amount of money paid by weaver under the thrift scheme.

The Minister along with BC Welfare and Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar distributed subsidy on yarn to weavers at a programme held in Huzurabad. Speaking on the occasion, Harish Rao said before State formation, there were suicides by farmers and weavers in Telangana. “The situation, however, changed after the formation of a separate State. Suicides have stopped following the initiatives taken by the State government,” he said, adding that all loans taken by weavers were waived after State formation and subsidy was being provided under Cheneta Mitra scheme.

Assuring sanction of Rs 1.90 crore to weavers of Huzurabad, Harish Rao promised to solve their problems in the coming days. “A meeting would be held with Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao soon to discuss the problems of weavers,” he said

The government, he said, has decided to provide insurance facilities to fishermen, Gouda and weaving communities on par with Rythu Bima.Stating that he did not get a chance to visit Huzurabad earlier, he said the Chief Minister sent him to Huzurabad before the by-poll. “Hereafter, I will always be available to you and solve your problems,” he added.

Appealing to the people to support TRS in the by-election, Harish Rao assured sanction of double bedroom houses to all the eligible poor and money to people who own land to construct houses.

Assuring to construct padmashali bhavan in Huzurabad, he said the bhavan would be named after Konda Laxman Bapuji.

While Rs 200 pension is being provided to the people in BJP ruled states, Telangana government is providing Rs 2,000 pension. Besides pensions, Kalyanalaxmi, Shadhi Mubharak, KCR Kit, Rythu Bandhu, Rythu Bima, free current and other schemes have also been implemented in the state.

Telangana was the only state which provided Rs 1,500, rice and pulses to the poor during Covid pandemic.

The Union government led by BJP was imposing a huge burden on the common public by increasing the prices of diesel, petrol, and cooking gas. While increasing gas price to Rs 1,000, the subsidy was reduced to Rs 40 from Rs 250.Why the BJP leaders, who were distributing sewing machines, wall clocks

 and grinders, were promising to reduce the prices of essential commodities. Finance Minister T Harish Rao on Monday assured weavers that he would ensure sanction of Rs 30 crore for the thrift fund scheme to protect the interest of the weaving community.

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