Doctors Suggestion To Prevent Sun Stroke
Dr. Sami General Practitioner & cosultant
Wake up telangana
This summer is going to be more hotter than the previous one's.
To evaluate this and the precautions to be taken we spoke to Dr. Sami a General Practitioner and a cosultant in many hospitals of Hyderabad.He says that summer season comes up with dehydration and immunity decreases due to dehydration and any disease can easily contract in our body, and also Direct contact to sun for prolonged period can lead to deadliest diseases like cancer, psoriasis etc. The major precautions that should be taken by us are to try to avoid moving out during 11am to 1:30pm as its the peak time By postponing to evening time if possible and carry a pocket water bottle/ rehydration drink like glucon-d etc.Cover ourself properly while venturing out.And coming to Ramadan its starting from 4th April Dr. Sami says that to stay hydrated during fast by taking the precautions like having adequate food in Saher and Iftar and the food should be healthy by avoiding heavy food, Oily food, Sodas, cool Drinks etc, having less food in saher can lead to less thirst.
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