We are the Indian diaspora in Europe who still have our sanity intact. As the communal politics rages in our home-country and voices of dissent stifled, twitter accounts of government critiques withheld, homes of not-so-fortunate bull-dozed, Human rights defenders Teesta Setalvad, Mohammed Zubair and former director general of Gujarat Police RB Sreekumar are arrested, all under orders of BJP government, we NRI’s watch in dismay..We write to you today, 26.06.2022, just 5 KM’s away from the circus where the chief ringmaster, our Prime Minister casts his spell on a crazed crowd who refuses to see the atrocities on their own friends, and the damage their leader is meeting upon our motherland. We stand here rejecting all communal lines he and his party
stands for. It appears the real care about India’s progress as a country and its citizens well-being have taken a back-seat under Narendra Modi and it is OK for its people that as long as they get Hindutva fodder to chew, the government gets a free pass. It is difficult to say if the government deserves its people, or the people deserve its government. But one thing is certain, Indians who care about India deserve better!The Indian Diaspora in Munich rejects Narendra Modi and his communal agenda. We vehemently condemn the Genocidal situation his ultra-right government has created for the minority communities in India. We demand the le of India to stop being selfish and wake up to the pain and suffering which our fellow citizens are
going through. This is not an unfair demand we ask of you.Today the famous square of Odeonsplatz in Munich resounded with sounds of Inqalab Zindabad (Long live the revolution) and Azaadi (freedom) from the chains of Hindutva that India is being strangled with, drawing stark parallel to the call for freedom that Indians gave a century ago against the British occupation. Today the flags of India and Bhagat Singh soured high in the hands of proud Indians who refused to kneel before the ringmaster. It was a moment when a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian, a Sikh, a Dalit and all who are Indians stood under the warmth of one another, uniting for a common cause – the future of their India, rejecting the current fascist government. All the while 5 KM’s away, the circus was going on, with every invitee carefully wetted and verified so that their dear leader doesn’t mumble if the scripted charade goes off script
The Indian diaspora in Munich believes that Europe has known the end results of ultra-nationalism, and learnt it's lessons the way through two world wars. The neo-Nazism of Hindutva is rejected here by us. We DO NOT welcome Modi.
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