Mayawati to kickstart BSP’s Telangana election campaign

BSP Chief Bahen Kumari Mayawati Extends Support to Uppal MLA Candidate Sunkara Naresh

Mayawati to kickstart BSP’s Telangana election campaign


WhatsApp Image 2023-11-23 at 3.03.15 AM (1)

Suryapet, [Date]: In a significant development, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Chief, Bahen Kumari Mayawati, rallied her supporters and party workers at the Bahujan Rajyadhikhara Sabha held in Suryapet. The occasion marked a powerful show of solidarity as the BSP supremo threw her weight behind the party's Uppal MLA candidate, Sunkara Naresh.

As the Bahujan Rajyadhikara Sabha unfolded, a multitude of followers and dedicated party workers converged to witness the endorsement of Sunkara Naresh by the BSP chief. BSP State President RS Praveen Kumar took the stage to formally introduce Sunkara Naresh to Bahen Kumari Mayawati, highlighting his credentials and commitment to the party's principles.

In her address to the enthusiastic gathering, Mayawati appealed to the people of Uppal constituency to rally behind Sunkara Naresh and ensure his victory with an overwhelming majority. The BSP chief emphasized the importance of supporting candidates who champion the cause of Bahujans and urged the electorate to make an informed choice for a better future.

The event saw a massive turnout of party leaders, activists, and fans, creating an atmosphere of fervor and anticipation. The show of support for Sunkara Naresh was palpable, underscoring the significance of BSP's endorsement and setting the stage for a fiercely contested electoral battle in the Uppal constituency.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, the backing of BSP Chief Bahen Kumari Mayawati could prove to be a decisive factor in shaping the electoral fortunes of Sunkara Naresh. The Uppal constituency now becomes a focal point in the upcoming elections, with BSP's formidable support adding a new dimension to the political dynamics of the region.

The success of the Bahujan Rajyadhikhara Sabha in Suryapet not only showcased the unity and strength of the BSP cadre but also signaled the party's determination to make a significant impact in the electoral arena. The coming days will witness heightened political activities as Uppal braces itself for a keenly watched electoral battle, with Sunkara Naresh emerging as a key contender with the backing of Bahen Kumari Mayawati and the Bahujan Samaj Party.

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