Birth anniversary of Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s)

Birth anniversary of Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s)

A Joyous Celebration Uniting Devotees at Koh-e-Moula Ali

wake up telangana

The joyous celebration of Hazrat Ali's (as) birth anniversary on the islmaic calender 13 rajab takes place at Koh-e-Moula Ali. The Moula Ali mountain serves as a gathering point for thousands of devotees during the festivities, attracting people from various faiths, with a significant presence of Shia Muslims. Individuals from all corners of the country unite to seek blessings on the special occasion of Moula Hazrat Ali's birth. Mir Sadeq Ali, a resident of Moula Ali, emphasized that Shia Muslims worldwide mark Moula Ali's (as) Birth Anniversary as a grand festival on 13 rajab. The celebration involves donning new clothes, preparing delectable dishes, distributing sweets, illuminating homes with lights, and hosting "Jashan-e-Waldat-e-Moula Ali" within their residences. During the Birth Anniversary Celebration, numerous devotees converge at Koh-e-Moula Ali in Hyderabad, arriving in diverse groups. These gatherings express their devotion in various ways, with some presenting "Sera" (flowers) as offerings, while others commemorate the occasion by cutting cakes. Additionally, the distribution of sweets contributes to the festive atmosphere at Koh-e-Moula Ali.


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